Middlesex County Back Injury Disability Lawyer
Back injuries, such as herniated and bulging discs, can severely interfere with your life. Many people who have sustained back injuries are no longer able to perform many common physical tasks. Because back injuries range in severity and longevity, it is important to hire an experienced Social Security attorney to prove your injury entitles you to Social Security benefits.
At the Middlesex County Law Offices of Jeffrey W. Goldblatt, Esq., Mr. Goldblatt has successfully helped people throughout New Jersey obtain the Social Security benefits they need to pay bills and support their families.
Proving The Severity Of Your Back Injury
Many back injuries – such as nerve root impingement, spinal stenosis, bulging and herniated discs, facet joint disease, Lyme disease, Sjogren’s syndrome, arthritis and other musculoskeletal, cervical and lumbar injuries – cannot be seen with the naked eye.
To prove your back impairment to the SSA, Mr. Goldblatt works directly with neurologists, orthopedists and other physicians who specialize in nerve and spine injuries. Using their testimony, along with X-rays, CAT scans and MRIs of your injury, Mr. Goldblatt is able to establish the existence of your back injury.
Having practiced Social Security Disability law for more than 30 years, Jeffrey Goldblatt knows how to address the SSA’s toughest questions – Why aren’t physical therapy and pain medications working? How does limited range of motion affect work performance? Why isn’t surgery an option?
If you are looking for an experienced attorney who will fight to get you the Social Security benefits you deserve, you need Middlesex County back injury disability attorney Jeffrey Goldblatt.
Monmouth County Degenerative Disc Disease Disability Attorney
You’ve spent years working hard and paying into a system that helps hard-working people make ends meet when faced with a disability. If a back injury makes it impossible for you to keep working, it is time to take advantage of the Social Security system you’ve been supporting.
As an experienced Social Security lawyer, Jeffrey Goldblatt fights hard to get his clients the benefits they deserve. If you experienced a back injury that makes it impossible for you to work, contact the Law Offices of Jeffrey W. Goldblatt, Esq. today.